This is a tale of a painting...
There was a man in a painting I would see
As I came up to it he would stare at me
I looked into the eyes of this soulless man
And I couldn't help but want to hold his hand
I saw the pain behind his eyes
Couldn't see what he had to hide
Something haunted me to the core
But drew me in even more
Was it his expression that intrigued
Or his eyes that was desperate to plead
I heard his cry more than ever
This soulless man was oh too clever
My curiosity would finally win
And I felt something pull me in
The man smiled and tipped his hat
And walked away and that was that
Still today I wait
So I can change another's fate
So stop, if you dare, and stare a time or two
But know this, I will show no mercy for a single one of you.


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